Tag: Symbiosis

Monday Motivation: She Means Business

The earlier dictate of breaking the glass ceiling has been rendered non-existent by modern-day women entrepreneurs. In fact, women entrepreneurs have contributed immensely to the growth of the Indian economy. Moreover, their area of expertise has not remained limited to any particular field. Even way back in 1978, there was a name that was being spoken …

Monday Motivation: Hall of Fame

India was declared a republic on 26th January 1950 and since then this day has been celebrated as Republic Day by the entire nation. With the constitution of India coming into force we became aware of our rights, and with common laws binding all the citizens of the country, there was a sense of cohesion among …

Monday Motivation: Let’s Act and Not Just React!

The numbers are growing every day and yet the lessons learnt are few. I am sure many will agree that as normalcy returns, complacency sets in. We stop paying heed to warning signals that are quite evident. Messages from the government, on social media, signposts all are ignored but the worst of them all is that …

Monday Motivation: Borderless-ness

Imagine what an amazing world it would be! While many may talk about wars and territorial rights, I am sure those from the realm of education and knowledge, find borderless-ness to be an evolutionary phenomenon. As boundaries melt from national to notional, dissemination of knowledge will become easier. During the recent pandemic, amidst the chaos that …