Tag: Monday motivation

Monday Motivation: The Story of John kaka…

Dr. S. B. Mujumdar established Symbiosis in 1971 as a small welfare organization for foreign students. The first centre that was established was the Symbiosis International Cultural Centre. It started in our house as Dr. Mujumdar did not own any land or buildings to create an organization. Therefore, Symbiosis was born and established in our little …

Monday Motivation: An Educationist’s Perspective on ChatGPT

Progress is dependent on our adaptability to change. Change is inevitable and as the human mind is programmed to think, development is unstoppable. It is the human mind that has created Artificial Intelligence and the field is growing rapidly. For the past several years I had been hearing about the intervention of AI in various fields, …

Monday Motivation: Imbibe the Attribute of Humility

Last week Symbiosis celebrated the Symbiosis Sanskrutik Mahotsav which was initiated 28 years ago. It is organised for three days before the anniversary of Symbiosis which is on 26th of January. During the three days of the regalia, artists are invited from various parts of the country, recognized for their contribution to the world of art …

Monday Motivation: Four Year Undergraduate Programme

The National Education Policy 2020 has come with various changes. Symbiosis International University was recently commended by the Hon’ble Minister of Education, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, for implementing it in earnest at SIU. After launching the NEP in 1986, the Government of India launched this policy, which is a policy of the 21st century. The NEP 2020 …

Monday Motivation: Oman, A Home Away from Home

Oman is my second home. Last week, my visit to the Capital city of Muscat in the Sultanate of Oman rekindled old memories. When I was a medical doctor and had just started my medical practice, Rajiv (my husband) wanted to go abroad for further studies. The only place we could go to was the Gulf …

Monday Motivation: 2023 – Brighter Beginnings

Another 365 days gone! Well, the academician in me cannot help but say that 365 days of learning is what I have gained. I am richer by 365 days, worth of knowledge, as knowledge is true wealth. While one may lose all of one’s tangible assets, one will never lose the knowledge that they have gained. …

Monday Motivation: A Beautiful Time of the Year

The month of December is a beautiful time of the year. It’s the end of a year’s hard work and therefore a time to enjoy and take a holiday. The weather is lovely, there is a chill in the air. Christmas, one of the most celebrated festivals across the globe also falls in the month of …

Monday Motivation: The 19th Convocation Ceremony

The day before yesterday was the 19th Convocation of Symbiosis International University. I have been a part of every convocation since the last 19 years. The number of students getting their degrees has been expanding but the hope and satisfaction on their faces when they receive their degrees has remained the same for the last 19 …