Tag: life

Monday Motivation: Take a Break!

Many of you would be familiar that I write a blog under #MondayMotivation every Monday. I have been doing so for over a year, and it has become a habit. It takes a lot of effort to construct a blog and keep it rolling from one to another, and over time, it has drawn a fair …

Monday Motivation: More from Less…

An aspect that I often notice nowadays is that when we have more, then the will to face the challenges in life, is less. While some cower down to challenges, some decide to overcome each one till they have realized their aspiration! That in fact was the story of the twin sisters that I met recently. …

Monday Motivation: Every Day is a Happy Day

Every Day is a Happy Day Yesterday was celebrated as the International Day of Happiness which led me to think that we should ideally celebrate everyday as Happiness Day. However, my observation of the recent times leads me to say that most people need reasons to be happy. When we were children we needed a reason …