Tag: blog post

Monday Motivation: Happy Gudi Padwa & Eid!

I am sure all my readers are aware that I love to write about festivities! They bring so much joy, cheer, bonding and family time that one feels rejuvenated for several weeks thereafter. What could be better than a week where we have two festivals; Gudi Padwa & Eid! Gudi Padwa is celebrated in Maharashtra and …

Monday Motivation: New Beginnings in 2024!

As we bid adieu to 31st December and welcome 1st January, we realize that the New Year is a special day. One, because you say goodbye to the earlier year and keep remembering all the good and bad things that have happened through the year, it is like a recap of all the events that have …

Monday Motivation: Literally Liberal

Do you remember when parents would force their children to study Math or Science because that was the benchmark for being intelligent! Thankfully, those days are gone, and we owe a big thanks to the recent National Education Policy that has opened up so many opportunities for the younger generation. I am not against studying Math …

Monday Motivation: Proud of the Indian Culture

Internationalisation of education is not a new concept, in India. However, I do ponder upon the relevance of internationalisation in higher education. I think of the times when thousands of years ago, India had some wonderful universities such as Takshashila, Nalanda and Vikramshila that attracted foreign scholars from all across the world. Why did foreign students …

Monday Motivation: Milestone of a 100 Reached!

I have published the 100th blog today and it feels like an accomplishment! It is a milestone that I had set for myself and it is an amazing feeling to have reached it! Though a Medical Doctor by Degree and profession, I am an educationist by choice. I have always enjoyed reading and writing and during …

Monday Motivation: Help Yourself to Hobbies

We all lead busy lives that are torn between work, family and friends. What is it that can help us find ourselves then? I feel hobbies should be an important part of our lives. Every individual should have a hobby. A hobby may give you no tangible benefit but a hobby is like meditation. It helps …

Monday Motivation: 2023 – Brighter Beginnings

Another 365 days gone! Well, the academician in me cannot help but say that 365 days of learning is what I have gained. I am richer by 365 days, worth of knowledge, as knowledge is true wealth. While one may lose all of one’s tangible assets, one will never lose the knowledge that they have gained. …