Monday Motivation: Let’s Make the Earth Better!

Temperatures have been rising since February, but May has become particularly uncomfortable for all Punekars as temperatures have touched beyond 40 degrees Celsius! It is almost unimaginable how living beings adapt to such weather changes. This phenomenon is not restricted to Pune alone but the world over, summers have been extreme this year.

It’s high time we start taking responsibility for our actions and their potential impact on the environment. Every action we take, no matter how small, has consequences. It’s heartening to see that the youth of today are not just aware of this, but are also taking proactive steps. Numerous entrepreneurial ventures, driven by the principles of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, are springing up. These initiatives promote the use of reusable items, recycling whenever possible, and reducing waste to minimize our environmental footprint.

Even small actions such as turning off lights when not in use or using energy-efficient appliances can help. One can then consider taking more significant steps, such as using renewable energy sources like solar or wind power. We can conserve water by fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and avoiding unnecessary water waste. We can reduce carbon footprint by walking, biking, or using public transport instead of cars. Carpooling and using fuel-efficient vehicles can also help reduce emissions. Taking into consideration this aspect of employees coming in their own cars or two wheelers, we at Symbiosis decided to organise buses for their travel to work. This significantly reduced the number of vehicles coming to campus and thus plying on the roads! Similarly, students are not allowed their vehicles on campus so for their commuting from hostels to academic complex, we have kept bicycles on campus at various places. So, either students use bicycles or walk to the academic campus. This not only helps in reducing carbon emissions but also helps in inculcating a healthy life style by exercising!

One has to be conscious even while buying products. We should patronize companies that prioritize sustainability and support local and organic products to reduce the carbon footprint of food and goods.

Planting trees and creating gardens should be prioritized as trees absorb carbon dioxide and provide oxygen. Planting trees and creating green spaces can help mitigate climate change. I am happy that many Symbiosis institutions have also taken the initiative to plant trees. Such as SIBM Bangalore, organises Symbriksha, a tree plantation drive in collaboration with Electronic City Association of Bengaluru, SIOM Nasik organises tree plantation drives along with NGOs and plans to include it in its induction program Deekshaarambh. SCMHRD also does a tree plantation drive every year for our Vrikshak initiative. The higher education institutions and even Symbiosis Schools’ students plant 200+ trees yearly in and around Pune.

The Founder of Symbiosis, Dr. S. B. Mujumdar, was a Professor of Botany who deeply believes in the philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, which is also the university’s motto. Vasudha means the earth; therefore, on his birthday, many institutions offer their reverence to him and Mother Earth by planting trees.

We must stay informed about climate issues and share knowledge with friends, family, and community members to raise awareness and inspire action. Simultaneously, we must engage in sustainable practices such as mindful consumption, support businesses that follow sustainable practices, and teach our younger generation to be conscious of the environmental impact of our actions.

Only then will we leave back a world full of joy for the next generation!