Tag: G20

Monday Motivation: G20 Festival of Thinkers Summit

India has been given the G20 Presidency for the year 2023. While as an Indian, this makes me proud, I also feel obliged to drive the country’s G20 motto of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam- One Earth, One Family, One future. The motto is also close to my heart, as Symbiosis’s motto is the same- Vasudhaiv Kuttumbakam- the world …

Monday Motivation: 2023 – Brighter Beginnings

Another 365 days gone! Well, the academician in me cannot help but say that 365 days of learning is what I have gained. I am richer by 365 days, worth of knowledge, as knowledge is true wealth. While one may lose all of one’s tangible assets, one will never lose the knowledge that they have gained. …