Monday Motivation: Cast your Valuable Vote!

Today is the day of voting in Pune. The Lok Sabha elections 2024 are here, and many youth will be voting for the first time ever. I remember the first time that I voted. What a deep sense of achievement I had, as though I had the power to change the world. I remember how it gave me and all my friends satisfaction to voice our choice in selecting the right people.

Many say and feel that they don’t want to cast their vote. The reasons may vary from not being in their city to not liking candidates who stand for elections. Many people also want to take it as a holiday and tend to travel outside the city instead of voting. This is absolutely irresponsible behaviour. When things don’t go well, we continuously blame the system of governance in our country, but when we have a choice to decide who will govern this country, we don’t want to exercise that choice by voting!

India is the largest democracy in the world. After independence, we created a system where every citizen of India could choose his/ her representative! Unless we exercise this choice how can we maintain this democracy? How can we get people who will govern this country for its prosperity and growth? When we vote, we elect the right people who make the right decisions that directly affect the lives of young people, from education policies to environmental regulations.

The youth of this country make up a significant portion of the population, and their collective voice can influence the outcome of elections and shape the future direction of their country. Voting holds politicians accountable for their actions. When young people engage in the electoral process, they signal to politicians that they are paying attention and expect them to address their concerns. Voting is a powerful tool for bringing about change. Whether it’s advocating for policies that address climate change, social justice, or economic inequality, young voters can help drive the agenda for positive change. In a democratic society, voting is a right and a responsibility. It’s a way for individuals to actively participate in the democratic process and contribute to the functioning of their society. Voting empowers young people to have a voice in shaping their own future. It allows them to have a say in decisions that will impact not only them but their future generations too.

The youth need to be aware of the country’s social, economic and political happenings, and universities play a significant role in this.

We must remember that voting is a fundamental aspect of democracy, and the participation of young people is crucial. It is the very essence of ensuring a vibrant and inclusive political system. Your voice matters, and your vote can make a difference. It’s not just a right; it’s a responsibility that you, as the future of our nation, must vote and participate in choosing the right people for the right governance of our country!

So ensure you cast your valuable vote today!!