Monday Motivation: Joyful June

The month of June has always been of immense significance to me. While this month gives the sense that half the year is over and makes us introspect so that we can learn from our mistakes and start afresh. It is also my birthday month and is even more dear to me. It is an exceptional month for several young people as they start school or college this month; therefore, it is a gateway to a new academic life.

June is beautiful as the monsoons arrive this month and the whole topography and landscape changes. The trees that looked brown and barren suddenly have new green leaves. The lush green trees give a sense of well-being, which makes people happy. The farmers are happy as water is abundant—the entire ecosystem of the country changes. The waterfalls start pouring, the rivers are complete, and several States in India start to brim with tourists. Pune is blessed with the beautiful Sahayadri Ranges and the Western Ghats, and during the monsoons, one can drive just a few kilometres outside the city to catch a glimpse or even bathe in these waterfalls. Mahabaleshwar, a hill station near Pune, is crowded with tourists to see the beauty of nature during monsoons.

As for students, the academic life that they enter into is like their second life. Their first life is their birth, but their second life, their academic life, decides their destiny. The stream they choose to study and their academic performance decides their own life and the life of their families. In June, the college campuses become lively once again as students arrive. The bustling campus life brings a feeling of rejuvenation to the whole campus and, of course, to the faculty and staff who are eagerly waiting for the arrival of students.

Though the month of June has just passed, It’s the most important month of the year. We can retrospect on the months gone by, reflect on our mistakes, enjoy our successes, and decide on how we want to progress in the oncoming months of the year.

I wish all the youth who have embarked on their academic journey the best! May you benefit from all the resources available and forge robust careers and a better life for your families!